Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I have been grinding 5NL basically trying to get my way back into being fully committed to the game of poker. I have basically decided to do a reboot of the way I was going about playing poker. Focusing on volume as much as anything. I have been doing pretty successful this first month as i've been able to 8 Table 5NL at a 6.0PTBB/100 hands - averaging about 2.20 an hour over 13K hands. This was actually really much more then I thought I would be able to make playing penny poker.

I am trying to push myself with more tables -- but found myself struggling a bit with 12. Might be I just have to get used to it, as I struggled with 8 early on. Or maybe I need to come up with a new setup.

Either way - as stated - I wanted to start a reboot on my approach to poker. I feel that I was all over the place. Cash games to tourney's, 5NL to 10NL to 25NL and back again anytime I ran bad. I felt that it was very important to establish a base. a ground floor if you will. The plan is to finish out the month with at least 25 thousand hands. From there I will have to decide if the best course of action is to increase my buy-in at 5NL (which is an usual option of being able to buy in for more 100BB)

I guess the only way to find out is to try them both and see which is more profitable. The super easy 5NL or the higher 10NL. Though I believe trying 10NL first- as you also have to include Pokerstar bonus's and eventually I want to challenge myself to move up.

Take Care-

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