Thursday, December 31, 2009

Trucking along:

Been awhile, lets get to it. I've been playing a lot more poker lately. My new years resolution is to go out and just play play play. I've set some lofty goals for myself which I might get into later. Right now, the main goal is just to play. I have actually been playing pretty well recentley. I've always been much better in tournament poker then cash games, so i've been focusing on that to get some good confidence back and built my bankroll into the black. So two nights earlier this week I entered the 2.20nl tourney on stars.

Monday, I actually made a mistake. When I started the tourney there was 500 people. I didn't realize how many people would join in late registration. the tourney quickly ballooned up to 3800, and it was midnight and I had to get up for work in 8 hours. Well, lets just say this would come back to haunt me. Playing pretty solid early on as the table is generally loose and I know that I can get paid when I make a hand.

I moved to the table about 10 hands ago, and I don't have a read on anyone, other then we are not seeing a lot of flops.

With about 2500 in chips, 2 off the button, blind 50-100 I pick up AsKs. I make it 400 --
Both blinds call: I have more chips the both blinds.

1200 chips in the pot:

Flop comes Kc Qs Td

Top pair, top kicker, inside straight draw, back door flush draw:

SB -- Bets 1100 chips into the pot: BB Folds:

Ugh. I thought I was controlling this pot. What just happened her. I go into the tank.

I go thru the hands that have me dominated: AA, KK, QQ, TT, AJ, J9 -- if he flops any of those, would he make an extra large bet into the pot? maybe with AA or TT on that board. But I have an ace, and he would have reraised pre-flop so I throw AA out. TT-- possible he could flat call with TT, and if he did, he is probably going to make some money.


I have a K - so two of those are unlikely -- and I would have just been out floppped: QT is a bit of a loose call IMO but it is an online tourney. Also the size of the bet seems a bit fishy: as with 2000 chips, he bets 1000 -- if I reraise its him calling his last 1000 with 4:1 in the pot so he has to call. and I very well could have him drawing next to dead. Why not just go all-in at this point. I have 9 outs with two cards to come if he has QT-- JJJJAAAKK with a backdoor flush draw.

KJ, QJ, JT, JJ -

Pair with an open ended straight draw: he's happy to put in a big bet and win the pot here, but if I call he has outs. I like this idea for having no read on my oppt.

SB folds: now its to me. there is 2000 chips in the pot, it costs me 1000 to call, and I'll have 2200 chips. so calculating everything, there is no calling here. Its fold or all-in. I need chips, and im rdy to get healthy and win a pot early and risk being knocked out if need be. Tho folding here, I am in no immediate danger of being knocked out or having a low M.

I have top-pair, top kicker, inside straight draw, and a backdoor nut flush draw. I don't think im dominated and I just don't like the idea of laying down top pair, top kicker this early in a tourney. Espically when there is a good chance im ahead right now and I would have outs.

I re-raise all-in for my last 2200 -- and he instantly calls his last 1000. He flips over KQo-- ugh. just got out flopped. I loose the two remaining kings as outs and i'm down to JJJJAA-- about a 70-30 dog.

Turn: Blank: no spade
River: Jack -- I win a good sized pot with my striaght.

This hand has been bugging me for a couple of days now, mainly cause I don't know if I would have done it any differently. yet I put my money in as a big dog. Maybe if I had more chips, maybe if it was later in the tourney I can back if off. Also, you set the tone that I am willing to play a big pot, and call big bets. which will stop those in the future against anyone who pays attention. sometimes you just have to pick your spots, just make sure u give yourself outs.

From then on, I had a really good sized stack (top 10%) and was able to pick on the shorter stacks. I played really well without showing many hands. The last big hand the I remember came a little bit after we made the money. (top 360 made the money) I had about 12,000 in chips -- small stack of about 3,000 raises -- only to have a stack of 4000 re-raise. I look down and pick up QQ in the button. So I reraise enough to put both of our short stacks all in. Blinds fold and both insta-call.

Player one: JJ
Player two: JJ

Love it! i avoid a 4 to the flush on the river and win a really nice size pot and knock two people out. I like the way I play this. even though I have plenty of chips -- I want to put pressure on the short stacks, I have a preimium hand that could look MUCH worse post flop and the short stacks could be playing a wide range of hands.

Now comes the dissappointing part. I am in 36 chip position with about 180 people to go and I cannot keep my eyes open. I make two bad reads in a row, and decide I have to shut it down. it sucks, but I do have a professional life I have to worry about. I close down my laptop -- and get some rest.

I wake up in the morning and I finsihed 68th out of 3780 -- 2.20 buyin turned into 12.50 win. not a bad return on invenstment, but rest assured going to bed early really bugged me. More on that tomorrow.

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