Sunday, January 3, 2010

Cash Game Struggles:

I know my cash game needs a lot of work. but. that's what I'm doing, I'm working on it. I lost over the weekend on 2 different guys drawing and hitting a inside straight draw on me. which hurt, as I lost a bunch of chips. I know in the long run, this are high quality plays, I was however able to make a bunch of those loses back this morning when I picked up KK in early pos. Made a nice raise with 2 callers.


K 8 2 - rainbow:

What a flop: but normally don't get a lot of action from these. BB checks, so i make a half the pot continuation size bet. Other calls, BB folds. Woo, some action!



Turn brings two diamonds, but not really concerned. I bet about half the size of the pot again. -- He min. re-raises: Joy! two things: one, he is buying my continuation bets and thinks he can take the pot from me. I haven't seen this player making a lot of moves, but its possible. Second: he hit 2 pair, or a set of 9's. Either way, I should be getting paid here. I move in the rest of my chips and he instantly calls.

He flips over 99 -- and I avoid the one outer on the river: bit of luck on my side there, as set vs set is going to cost someone chips. Fortunately I had the higher the set this time :) player didn't have too many more chips, so I wasn't able to double up, but I was able to get back about 80% of what I lost over the holiday weekend on that one hand. Grind, Grind, Grind.

In tourney play, last night I joined the 2.20 1000 promised: 1000 capped: 3000 chips to start. Played pretty well, trying to keep the pots small, and not risk too much unless I have the nuts early. In these types of tourney's there is usually enough chips flying that if I make a hand I can get paid. I was able to build my 3000 into about 9800 when I get moved to another table. As I'm watching (not even dealt a hand yet) I see a player named shark, go all- in with about 11,000 chips into a pot of about 800. hmmm.

about 10 hand later I pick up two red bullets. I make a good raise and "shark" calls from the blind.


8d Qd 4d - over pair and the nut flush draw. and immediately "shark" goes all-in -- now, would I have folded if I didn't see him go all-in earlier? probably not, but it made the decision to call virtually instantaneous -- He flips over J8 -- He hits a jack on the river. Fortunately for me its the J of diamonds and I am now 4th in chips with about 600 left with almost 20,000.

unfortunately it wasn't roses from there, I ended up going card dead, i was able to build my stack to about 27,000 at one point. I lost a chance to head back into the top 5 when my QQ lost to AKs and a donkey who called with KQ -- I lost, was able to double up again when the same donkey called my 99 with 77 -- Eventually I went out with my AQ vs. AK -- this was my mistake -- blinds were high and I made up my mind to go all in before I really watched what was going on. I ended up finishing 58th out of a 1000 -- money was 126th. could have been a lot better though.

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