Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Had a terrible night last night in short term talking. Playing 10NL about 15 min. into my session I raise on the button first in with KJs -- BB calls:

Flop: A 9c T - one club -- Both Check.

Turn - Ac -- nice Drawing card -- Both Check.

River - 7c -- Made the nut flush --

Of course my Oppt had pocket 99 and I was drawing to the Qc on the turn. So 20 min. in I am already down a buy in. I know these things happen, that doesn't bother me. What bothers me is that I was stacked.

River better -- he made a smallish pot sized bet, I re-raised to 2 dollars -- he hollywooded -- and went all in. I called instantly. Stupid. I should have thought about it, and I prolly could have gotten off the hand. I didn't have enough hands to see how he would have played this. its nut flush vs. full house, at this level he could have easily made this raise with a lower flush. its easy to say now, and even if I would have called. I would have liked to STOP, pause. and think about everything. its something I must work on. Just dumb dumb dumb.

Played a 5.50 sit n go (27 man) as it was the only thing going. Best hand I got in 120 hands was AQ twice. I was fortunate enough to win with both of them including a double up against pocket 77. I ended up finishing in 9th. I thought I played really well considering I was not dealt a single pair and only 3 Broadway hands.

I ended up down 13.50 for the night, its hard number to get used too as just last week my bankroll was 130. It is not over 700, so less then 2% for an off night. This "downswing" has hit me pretty hard, but I'm still a winning cash game player and winning tourney player...just barely...

One last note, I'll be playing in the WBCOOP on stars on Saturday and Sunday. Sat is the prelim, and Sunday the main event. Should be a nice little free-roll.

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