Monday, January 4, 2010

Bankroll Update:

A little bankroll update: I started with 50 bucks on 12/15 -- though I was only playing a few hours that week. I really started playing around Christmas eve. I put in less then 10 hours from 12/15-12/27 -- Though from 12/27-1/3 I have put in 25 hours. That is more in line of what I am trying to do, between 20-30 hours a week.

So I've turned that 50 dollar into 93.40 -- not bad considering I'm playing .1/.2 cash games and max buy-in tourney's for 2.20. Especially considering my cash game is in the negative. down a whopping .39 cents. Tourney's as usual have been much better, up over 43.00 in 16 tournaments. Increase of 90% in a little over 2 weeks.

Tonight the game plan is 3 hours of cash games -- followed by a late night tourney till bed time. The only way to succeed is to put in the work.

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